Branding Guidelines:
The member must identify itself as a Member of Shared Harvest Foodbank (using approved logo) on at least 4 of the following 9 communication items listed below.
Website: On homepage "above the fold" area the user can see without scrolling. Included in the "about us" section.
Social Media: On your Facebook page or other social media, a pinned post or in the description.
Annual Report: Prominently featured (front back or inside cover)
Newsletters: On the same page as Member's Logo
Letterhead: On the same page as Member's logo
Business Cards: Text instead of logo is permitted for business cards only since small size
Lobby or entrance: Via signage, sticker, or cling easily visible to the visitor
Trucks: On the same panel as the Member's logo
Email Signature: Next to or directly below Member's logo
